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Gorgias Tickets

Tips, processes and examples from our ticketing platform Gorgias.

5 articles
JIFI (July Inventory and Fulfilment Interface)

July's Inventory and Fulfilment Interface, JIFI is an essential platform for CX, Operations and Retail. This category discusses key features, data and actions for July team members to provide the ultimate CX.

5 articles
Delivery Support

When, Where, Why and How? All information based around July Fulfilment.

5 articles
Product Information

Product details including specifications, common queries and care instructions.

19 articles
Returns Process

Steps and Systems to simplify our Returns process

3 articles

Everything you need to know about our personalisation process.

4 articles

Key information around our product and lifetime warranty at July.

4 articles
Common Queries

Everything and Anything!

9 articles
UK Launch

3 articles



Free personalisation is online now until the 14th of June, and may or may not be extended (TBD). With the free personalisation promotion also comes longer personalisation times. Please advise customers personalisation may take between 3-7 business da